Lately I've been watching too much TV and reading too little. I also have insomnia, but some of my best ideas seem to arrive in the state between sleeping and waking. Last week during this state, I suddenly thought: Why not see if I can read a book every day for a year? I've always wanted to try this, and I figure if I blog about it, I might hold myself more accountable (or at least create a quirky record of my utter lack of a social life). Besides, I have piles of books I've started but haven't finished, or haven't started yet but keep meaning to. This will give me an incentive.
I may read toddler, children's, and teen as well as adult books. I'll read some screenplays and plays. I may listen to books on CD.
I reserve the right not to finish (or identify) books that suck but to count them if I make what I deem a good-faith effort to read them.
I'm open to suggestions and recommendations, which I may or may not take.
For some months, I will identify a theme or themes. This will govern some but not all of my reading choices. Themes will be highly contingent on the types of books currently stacked around my apartment and on my "to-be-read" shelves.
Russian history is an ongoing theme, because I'm trying to write a historical novel set in Russia. I'm also teaching online classes, doing some freelance work, and applying to graduate school. So things could get interesting, but then, that's the point.
The challenge officially begins on October 31, my favorite day of the year. I already have my Halloween reading material picked out, but you'll have to wait until then to find out what it is.